Recent ramblings

Migration to TypeScript - The How.

In my last blog I talked about some of the reasons which inspired our team to move our codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript. In this blog, I am going to discuss a general overview of the execution process. The Preparation For me, the task was slightly…

Mar 30, 202010 min

Migration to TypeScript - The Why.

Introduction Unless you’ve been living under a rock you might have come across TypeScript at some point. It’s made quite a bang in the Javascript world. The buzz it has generated has been for mostly good reasons. TypeScript is an open-source language that…

Mar 15, 20206 min

The Optional Chaining operator

I was all smiles today 😄. Why? I naturally used some piece of code I had read about recently and it felt good. What was it? Optional chaining! I know I’m late to the party 😏, but let’s get into it In simple words, optional chaining prevents you from doing…

Feb 28, 20201 min

Functions in JavaScript

I was going through some JavaScript code with my mentee and he pointed to two functions and asked why they were declared differently. I was quickly taken back to when I entered the JavaScript world from Java. I think it was around the time when the use of…

Feb 20, 20203 min

Which protocol to pick for your smart home

I was talking to a buddy the other day and I had passed a comment about how Google blows Alexa out of the water in the voice assistant category but somehow our conversation quickly derailed into smart homes. “You mean you allow those devices in your home? They…

Feb 14, 20206 min