Hello, I'm Elom

Full-Stack Developer. Entrepreneur. Curious Mind.

Skills & Interests

Front-End Development

Front-End Development

My most recent passion. It keeps the creativity juices flowing. The ever so dynamic world of front-end is one that keeps you on your toes always

Backend Development

Backend Development

My first love. I started coding in Java and C++ and fell in love with programming.



I believe we all need mentors at some point in our lives. Whether it be to inspire, encourage, teach or simply be a positive role model, we always need that beacon of light in our corner



I cook and I love doing it. My Sundays are usually spent lovingly (read slaving away) meal prepping for my family. PS I never said I was good at it. I just enjoy



There's nothing like giving back. Service to humanity is my calling and brings the most rewarding feeling ever.

Recent talks

Intro to React Testing Library

Enzyme has been a go-to test utility library in the React ecosystem for a while. In this talk, I introduce the new kid on the block - React Testing Library. I show the pitfalls of testing implementation detauls which Enzyme encourages.

Dec 16, 2020

Intro to TypeScript

I introduced TypeScript to my team and talked about how it's benefits were beyond finding bugs at compile time but also made us accountable/honest while coding and helped with api-driven development

Dec 01, 2019

Intro to GraphQL- A new way to think about APIs

During this talk, I introduced GraphQL to my colleagues and juxtapose it with good ol' faithful REST and identify the 'problems' GraphQL solves

Feb 03, 2019