Articles related to dev

Migration to TypeScript - The How.

In my last blog I talked about some of the reasons which inspired our team to move our codebase from JavaScript to TypeScript. In this blog, I am going to discuss a general overview of the execution process. The Preparation For me, the task was slightly…

Mar 30, 202010 min

Migration to TypeScript - The Why.

Introduction Unless you’ve been living under a rock you might have come across TypeScript at some point. It’s made quite a bang in the Javascript world. The buzz it has generated has been for mostly good reasons. TypeScript is an open-source language that…

Mar 15, 20206 min

The Optional Chaining operator

I was all smiles today 😄. Why? I naturally used some piece of code I had read about recently and it felt good. What was it? Optional chaining! I know I’m late to the party 😏, but let’s get into it In simple words, optional chaining prevents you from doing…

Feb 28, 20201 min

Functions in JavaScript

I was going through some JavaScript code with my mentee and he pointed to two functions and asked why they were declared differently. I was quickly taken back to when I entered the JavaScript world from Java. I think it was around the time when the use of…

Feb 20, 20203 min

How REST makes GraphQL look so simple

API. We hear that acronym thrown around a lot. What is it? It stands for Application Program Interface. 😕. Ok, so what does it mean? Well it is supposed to provide developers with some programmatic access to a proprietary software application Whether you are…

Sep 14, 20193 min